Tuscaloosa Schools Removed from Failing List
Here's a reason to celebrate!!!
For the past few years, a few Tuscaloosa-area schools have been on the failing schools lists, something that school administrators, teachers, and students have been working to change.
Apparently, it’s paid off! Guess who’s NOT on the list of failing schools:
Central High School and Paul W. Bryant High!!!!
Why is this big news? To not fail should be a given, right?
Well, the fact of the matter is that Central High School had been on the list of failing schools since 2013, despite the number of students who’ve graduated with NUMEROUS scholarship offers.
The schools’ report cards are based on an entire list of criteria. One detail mentioned is the percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunch, indicating the rate of low income households, as if one’s financial status is indicative of his intelligence or ability to perform academically. (*major eye roll*)
Now, of course there are some other schools where a bit of work needs to be done, but we’re celebrating all victories, big and small!