West Alabama Emergency Contact List
In cases of inclement weather, we often find ourselves wondering who we should call to get pertinent information. However, many of the people we call rely on area residents to provide information to be dispensed to the masses.
The following are contact numbers for area agencies that should be called in case of emergency:
Tuscaloosa Mayor's Office -- 311 or (205) 248-5001
City Administrator Tracy Croom -- (205) 248-5010
Northport Mayor's Office -- (205) 339-6600 or (205) 339-7000
Northport City Clerk -- (205) 333-3025
Tuscaloosa Police -- (205) 349-2121
Northport Police -- (205) 469-1310
Brookwood Police -- (205) 556-0103
Brookwood Fire Department -- (205) 556-7411
Coaling Town Hall -- (205) 507-0200
Coker Town Hall -- (205) 333-8181
Moundville Police Department -- (205) 371-2218
Moundville Fire Department -- (205) 371-2218/
Vance Police Department -- (205) 553-9917
Vance Fire Department -- (205) 556-1960
Tuscaloosa County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 752-0616
Fayette County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 932-3205
Greene County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 372-3242
Hale County Sheriff's Office -- (334) 624-3081
Lamar County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 695-7470
Pickens County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 367-2000
Sumter County Sheriff's Office -- (205) 652-7984
Should there not be an answer at any of these offices, the county EMA is a suitable alternative, as the sheriff's offices and EMAs share information.
Tuscaloosa County EMA -- (205) 349-0150
Bibb County EMA -- (205) 926-3113
Fayette County EMA -- (205) 932-4510
Greene County EMA -- (205) 372-6969
Hale County EMA -- (334) 624-7108
Lamar County EMA -- (205) 695-7105\
Pickens County EMA -- (205) 367-2009
Sumter County EMA -- (205) 625-6347
Other important numbers to have handy include the following:
The National Weather Service -- (205) 621-5650
Alabama State Troopers Tuscaloosa Office -- (205) 553-5531
American Red Cross -- (205) 758-3608
Salvation Army -- (205) 349-6298
Tuscaloosa Fire Department -- (205) 248-5420
Northport Fire Department -- (205) 333-3024
Tuscaloosa Department of Transportation -- (205) 248-5800
Alabama Department of Transportation -- (205) 553-7030