What The 2020 Census Means To Me
What The 2020 Census Means To Me
I personally completed my 2020 Census a few days ago. I did it online, and it took me literally just a few minutes. In my opinion, it is important to complete the Census because my information can and will affect my community. Listen, I want to be counted. Tuscaloosa Mayor, Walt Maddox, is appealing “to each and every resident of Tuscaloosa to take the 10 minutes to represent yourself, your family and your community, and be counted in the 2020 census.”
April 1, 2020, is National Census Day. Why is this an important date? According to the United States Census 2020, “April 1 is a key reference date for the 2020 Census. When completing the census, you will include everyone living in your home on April 1, 2020. You can choose to respond before or after April 1.” You can complete the Census online, by mail, or over the phone.
According to a press release issued by the City of Tuscaloosa, Mayor Maddox noted that “Federal funding benefits all of us by assisting with our education, infrastructure, healthcare opportunities, future business growth and more.”
(Source) For more information from the United States Census 2020, click here. For more from the City of Tuscaloosa, click here.

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