Win Margarita’s Grill When You Answer The Impossible ?
Impossible Question With Mary K
Be sure to listen weekdays between 4:25 pm and 4:30 pm for the Impossible Question with Mary K. The first person to answer the impossible question correctly wins a gift certificate to Margarita's Grill at 205.391.0093! Also, be sure to download our free app because I’ll be sending alert reminders about when to call in for the Impossible Question. Questions will be updated daily, and the answers will be provided after it has been answered on 92.9 WTUG!

Impossible Question for Monday June 29, 2020
60% of people say they’ve had an argument with their significant other over this in the past month. What is this? FIGHT OVER WHAT TO WATCH ON TV
Impossible Question for Tuesday June 30, 2020
After spending the last 3 months of the pandemic together, 58% of couples say this- what is it? SPEND THEIR LIFE TOGETHER AND GET MARRIED.