Are Conecuh Hot Dogs A Real Thing?
Are Conecuh Hot Dogs A Real Thing?
It's no secret, I love Conecuh sausage. But since when did Conecuh hot dogs become a thing?!
Thanks to my mom, I've fallen in love with Conecuh sausage. The story about her coming to Alabama and finding a store full of Conecuh sausage is hilarious, you can check that out here. But no one ever told me Conecuh made hot dogs too!
As I did my daily scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post that had been shared about a meat sale. Since I've been trying to get my life back on track and slide back into my vegan lifestyle, I tried to scroll past this post really fast. That mission was accomplished, but I couldn't help but notice a certain yellow label on a pack of meat that was for sale. It turns out, it was Conecuh hot dogs. WOW!
So many thoughts ran through my mind. Disbelief was the first thought. It can't be possible that I went this long in life without knowing Conecuh made hot dogs. I'm not even a lover of hot dogs, but I still got excited at the sight of this new discovery.
Even though this was a reputable business, I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had to dig a little bit deeper and go right to the source.
I went to the actual Conecuh website to see if they even had hot dogs listed as a product and they did! The most shocking part was I found out they sold other meats as well. Smoked turkey, smoked ham, hot dogs and even bacon were all being sold online. BACON?!
As soon as I saw that bacon I closed my web browser before I could make a rash decision. It's bad enough trying to kick the Conecuh sausage habit, I can only imagine how good the bacon tastes!

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