Become A St. Jude Partner In Hope
Become A St. Jude Partner In Hope
Why do I love St. Jude? Simple, St. Jude will not give up until childhood cancer is defeated. Cancer has affected so many loved ones in my life, so for me, this is important. My mother had breast and lung cancer while my father had a form of blood cancer. I remember how this affected their lives as grown adults. I couldn’t imagine how it affects children.
St. Jude has a wonderful structure where no family pays St. Jude for anything. Which, in my opinion, allows families to focus on their loved ones. By pledging $20 a month on your credit or debit card, you can become a Partner in Hope. Also, you will get the brand new ‘This Shirt Saves Lives’ t-shirt so you can spread the message about St. Jude.
Click here to become a Partner in Hope or call 1-800-411-9898

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