Beloved Alabama Radio Personality Launches GoFundMe For Daughter

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DC of the Steve & DC morning radio show recently experienced the scariest day of his life. DC's youngest daughter, Bethany, was involved in a car wreck in Richmond, Virginia through no fault of her own. Troopers on the scene said she was lucky to be alive. Bethany is recovering while medical-related expenses are overwhelming.
DC Daniel
DC wrote...
"My daughter Bethany, who many Steve & DC listeners heard being born, was in a car accident this past Monday. It’s really only through God’s grace that I still have her in my life."
DC Daniel
She was hit on one of the deadliest highways in America by a speeding driver, who then didn’t stop to make sure my baby girl was alive.
DC Daniel
My daughter Bethany was one of the only people that has been in a major accident in that spot and lived through the crash.
DC Daniel
She had multiple injuries and now multiple bills piling up on her.
Bethany is supposed to start college in August but now I’m not sure. Thanks is not enough for all of you that prayed for Bethany. So many of her medical bills are over $10,000!"
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