Persimmon Seed Predicts Snow This Winter in Alabama, James Spann Says Use Info With “Caution”
These nice cooler days have been really pleasant. This leads me to wonder what winter will be like in Alabama? To be honest, I’m ready for some snow. I really want to make a snowman and take some selfies. I just don’t want to have to deal with any ice.
I grew up following the Farmers’ Almanac, and recently I let you know that they are predicting a “frosty flip-flop winter” for the United States. It zoned in on a “quite chilly, mixed bag of precipitation” for the southern states for our winter outlook.
Mixed bag? I want beautiful fluffy white snow.
Now things get more interesting with the Farmers’ Almanac. The folklore lets us know that “if you crack open a persimmon seed from a ripe fruit and look at the shape inside (called the cotyledon), it can forecast the winter weather.”
Fork Shape: Winter will be mild
Spoon Shape: There will be a lot of snow
Knife Shape: Winter will be bitingly cold that cuts like a knife.
James Spann, ABC 33/40, and Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa Chief Meteorologist recently received a picture of a persimmon that was found near the Alabama/Georgia state line in Cleburne County, which clearly shows a spoon.
My cousins in North Carolina swear on the bible by the persimmon seed prediction. However, James Spann [The G.O.A.T.] has pointed out an issue with the persimmon seed theory. He has “been getting pictures of persimmon seeds in the shape of a spoon every fall for 43 years. And, for most winters that follow, we don’t get a single snowflake. So… use this data with caution.”
I guess we will wait and see. Until then, let’s get excited about Fall Colors coming to our area. Click here for my fall color prediction guide.
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