So, after 50 Cent weighed in on the ridiculous Soulja Boy and Chris Brown beef, saying that Floyd Mayweather would endorse a celebrity boxing match between the two, it looks like it's going to officially happen.

Chris Brown announced that a boxing match is officially happening via Instagram last night (Jan. 4) and Soulja Boy also posted what appears to be an official flyer suggesting the fight will be promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

“@adamscherr99 @wweaallday21 @spifftv it’s been amazing to see how many people tune in to negativity,” Brown wrote on Instagram. “NOW THAT WE HAVE YOUR UNDIVIDED ATTENTION…. BOXING MATCH SET. Legally. Man to Man. NO MORE DISSING AND NO MORE BULLSHIT. ME AS A BLACK MAN, looked back at my actions on social media and what I though of myself is this… ‘CLOWN.’ SO THIS ISNT AN APOLOGY. IM TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY IGNORANCE. @adrienbroner @floydmayweather @50cent WE IN THE RING WIT IT. TAKE YA BETS NOW. #CELEBRITYBOXING CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. #stayclassy #OHBSPORTS @twincharlo @futureofboxing.”

There's not been any official word as of yet about when the fight will potentially take place.


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