Following the deadly shooting in Las Vegas, Nev. that has left more than 50 people dead, many people have been trying to figure out what went wrong.

During a recent run-in with TMZ, Chuck D of Public Enemy was asked about the shooting and placed the blame solely on President Donald Trump and his backing of the National Rifle Association, which he calls a "terrorists organization."

Chuck D said, "The NRA is a terrorist organization and the administration backs the terrorist organization and never uses the word. Now their fear is that a 21 year-old is now cognizant of the NRA, where before it wasn't even in their narrative now."

But while things may be bad now, the rapper believes the younger generation is realizing what is wrong. He said, "You got younger people who are you know, waking up and they woke at 18 and 19, [they] say this is some bulls---."

The Public Enemy MC is just the latest artist to respond to the shooting. On Monday, Questlove of The Roots tweeted, "Just woke up... Can't believe this is where we are now as a nation. Mind you this is w/o context --- how in god's name do they have auto? How?"

Check out Chuck D's comments below.

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