These new parents really got into the spirit of Monday's eclipse.

The parents of a baby born in Greenville, S.C. on Monday named their little bundle of joy Eclipse. Little Eclipse Alizabeth Eubanks entered the world at 8:04 a.m. and her folks just couldn't help giving her a moniker that paid homage to the solar event that captured America's attention.

“I kind of felt like it was meant to happen, to have her on this day,” mother Freedom Eubanks said (of course, with a mother named Freedom, you can't be too shocked by the out-of-the-box name they selected).

Little Eclipse, who was set to be named Violet, wasn't due until September, but apparently not even she was going to be deprived of the opportunity to check out the eclipse. She was is one of 11 babies born Monday at the hospital, but, as of right now, no one else has decided on as unique a name.

The eclipse spurred many people to big moments. In addition to naming a baby Eclipse, several other people elected to get married, while at least one couple got engaged.

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