Doctor to Discuss New Prostate Cancer Detection Capability at DCH
In an interview a few years back, Charlie Wilson discussed his bout with prostate cancer. In another interview, he described how the disease disproportionately affects men of color and said that charred meats, or the best part as we say, contributes to it.
And we're some grilling people! Grilling season? What's that?
Well, right here in Tuscaloosa, DCH Regional Medical Center has technology that makes detection of prostate cancer easier and in its earliest stages, making survival more likely.
Tomorrow, Dr. Thom will join us to discuss this new capability. Make sure you're here, getting all the info, and pass it along to everyone you love.
Dr. Thom will visit Praise 93.3/790 WTSK Wednesday, August 22 from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. He will be with 92.9 WTUG from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
If you have questions about the technology or prostate cancer itself, please leave them in the comments or text us at (205) 391-0093.
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