Follow Bama Traffic on Twitter for Latest Traffic Reports
You know how you listen to Tuscaloosa’s ONLY local traffic report on our station? Then, when you see a traffic problem, you can’t remember how to report it. Or you catch the end and wonder what you’ve missed. Well, there’s a solution to these problems.
Captain Ray is in constant contact with local law agencies, who keep him abreast of traffic conditions all over West Alabama; but his greatest asset is YOU!
To report a traffic issue, send a tweet to @bamatraffic. Here, you can also find the latest traffic updates for Tuscaloosa and surrounding areas. Be sure to follow @bamatraffic and set up your account to receive notifications. That way, you don’t really have to wait for a traffic report to air to know what’s going on.
If you don’t use Twitter but want to report a traffic concern, simply call (205) 247-4798, or text (205) 339-4935.
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