How Much Did You Budget for Christmas?
We all know that Christmas is way more commercial than its humble beginnings.
Many people go into debt, trying to make sure they give gifts of value in attempt to express how much they love the recipients. Because of this, many parents find the holiday season to be stressful rather than a time of love and gathering with family and friends.
However, in recent years, more consumers have moved to forego the radical commercialism in favor of more simplistic observances. Some still give gifts, but they steer clear of overextending themselves and quite often opt to set limits on how much they're willing to spend on each individual. Others don't give gifts at all but take on service projects instead.
Granted, children of a certain age won't understand the lack of gifts for Christmas. Older children often care less about the number of gifts they receive, as long as they get "the gift" they really want. It only takes one.
Into which category do you fall? Are you willing to spare any expense for the sake of making loved ones happy, do you refrain from Christmas spending all together, or have you set a budget for how much you'll spend on each person?

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