It's been a little over a week since I've come back to radio, and I've received the warmest of welcomes. However, I've been holding back a little secret. Well, not really a secret. There's just something I haven't told you.

Simply put, I came back as the Brand Manager for WTUG and WTSK.  This is an awesomely major task, but it's something I've prayed for.  I always knew that having control of the air was a huge responsibility, and I wanted to use it wisely.  I've never liked sharing bad news, fights, or anything that would bring negative light (which is ultimately darkness) to a situation because I thought it would be more important and effective to highlight positive activity.

I've been a public servant for quite some time, often giving of my own time and other resources to make sure I am doing all that I can to fulfill my purpose. I enjoy helping others and developing bonds that ultimately push our community forward in thinking and development.  MY people will not perish because they lack knowledge as long as it's knowledge I contain!

So, there you have it! I'm the manager/supervisor.  I don't like the term "boss" (as Monique called me this morning) because we're a team.  It's just mainly up to me to make sure our team accomplishes all of the goals we set as well as the tasks placed upon us.

My main goal right now is to rebuild community connections and to fortify trust.  So, if you know of any community function or if you're putting on one yourself and want either or both of our stations to be a part, feel free to email me at  You may also send a fax at (205) 349-1715.

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