Top 5 Essential Things You’ll Need for Memorial Day Weekend 2021
Memorial Day will be here before you know it so you might as well start prepping for it now.
Are you going to invite some friends or family over to enjoy the day off work? Is someone going to invite YOU and your family over? If so, there are five essential things I think you need to put on your Memorial Day Weekend checklist. If you are going to stay at home and relax by yourself I still think you can utilize everything on my checklist, save #1 because you might not be up to grilling anything since it's just you.
1. A Grill That Works. I have to stress this because I have an old grill that is rusting out and I am afraid to use it. I went to look at buying a new grill the other day and those jokers have gotten expensive!
2. A Flag to stick in your lawn. Pick one up at any Walgreens while supplies last, at least that's what I did. My kid has already misplaced it. I think she left it in the car somewhere.
3. Your Favorite Radio Station. (This one is mine.) You can also stream some royalty-free neo-soul YouTube music, which is my new favorite thing!
4. Foooooood! (Hot Dogs, Burgers, Buns, Pickles, Relish, Condiments, Patti Pie)
5. Movies! Forget the rom-coms and war movies, let's watch pandemic movies! Contagion (Rent it via streaming apps for $3.99), 12 Monkeys (Rent on YouTube movies $3.99), I Am Legend (Hulu, HBO Max), The Woman in the Window (Netflix).
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