Motivation Monday: Every ‘No’ Guides to the Right Path
Have you ever been driving, using your GPS, and still made a wrong turn? Most of the time, the GPS will re-calibrate and alter the route to get you back on track; but sometimes you have to turn around because the wrong turn leads to a dead end.
This is the way we should view every "no" we're given as an answer. We often have plans for various events in our lives and go in the paths we think we should take; but every now and then, things don't turn out the way we planned. It's pointless to sulk or to be upset when those we thought would support us don't. Those no's are simply guiding us to the places where we will receive the right yes.
So, you were denied a raise. Is there any business idea you're sitting on that could generate that much income (or hopefully more)? You asked someone to purchase an item from your new business and they declined. Think about it. Is this person the type to constantly complain about not getting their money's worth? You applied for a credit card or a loan and were denied. How high would the interest rate or payment have been? Would you have been placed into a cycle of debt?
No never feels good when it's first received, but it's important to remember that all things work together for good. Therefore, the proper response to being told "no" isn't anger or frustration. It should be, "Ok. Thank you."