Officials Prepare to Reopen Alabama Schools
Tell the students in your home they can calm down because it's not about to happen this school term, but state education officials are looking into plans to get students safely back inside Alabama schools.
The Associated Press reports that Alabama public schools could bring some students back in June as part of a phased reopening before the next full school year.
According to the plan outlined by Alabama State Superintendent Eric Mackey, children 13 and older could return to campus in groups of 10 or fewer people for athletic practice and possibly summer school starting June 8 and younger students could get the go-ahead to return for summer literacy camps as early as July 6, and band and athletic practices could start in early August. Full story.
This is great news for students who are involved in extracurricular activities and those who plan to take part in summer enrichment programs as they will have the opportunity to experience a semblance of normalcy.
However, the safety of students is a main priority. Mackey has expressed that there is a possibility of moving forward and then having to retract. Additionally, he has encouraged superintendents to consider starting the 2020-2021 school year in late August rather than earlier in the month. This will provide enough time for the full spectrum of impact from the novel coronavirus to be realized and to develop plans on forward movements.
It is not expected for school personnel or students to need personal protective equipment upon return. However, it will be interesting to see how school supply lists will vary, considering that requested items such as disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer are already in high demand.
Nevertheless, education officials are optimistic about a fall return.

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