Possible Severe Allergy Season Ahead
Possible Severe Allergy Season Ahead
Personally, I am just waiting on the weather to break. I am excited about spring time and to discover what all West and Central Alabama have to offer me. But I also remember that spring also means seasonal allergies and for other Alabamians. According to AccuWeather’s annual spring allergy forecast, “Meteorologists say Americans who live in one particular area of the country may want to stock up on tissues.” Yikes! What is the area? the eastern United States. AccuWeather states that “allergy suffers should brace for a long and severe season this spring as predicted above-normal rainfall and near-average temperatures mean much of the region will be ripe for tree, weed and grass pollen production, according to AccuWeather meteorologists.”
AccuWeather shared that the cause of this potential heightened allergy season is due to “above-average pollen levels are in store for a huge portion of the country, an area that has a population of 193 million people and stretches all the way from Texas to Michigan on the east. More than 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies.” I know for me; I manage my seasonal allergies at the first sign with a nasal medication under the direction of my allergist specialist. However, you don’t know where to start here are five steps from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. “1. First step. See an allergist. 2. Start medications before symptoms begin. 3. Ban allergens from your house! 4. Geography matters. 5. target your allergens is through immunotherapy.”
(Source) For the full story from AccuWeather, click here. Also, for more information on the five steps from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, click here.

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