Saban Gives Campers Insight On Life And Success at Alabama
Coach Nick Saban has been getting a lot of flack in the media about his comments regarding NIL deals. Regardless, he's still making a huge impact on football players across the nation.

Recently, Nick Saban offered some advice to young campers at the Alabama football camp. In a video posted to Twitter by Touchdown Alabama, Nick Saban can be heard telling the kids to, "Edit your behavior," referring to making changes to get their desired result.
"If you continue to do things the way you've always done it, you're going to continue to get the same result."
This one-minute and forty-two-second clip of Nick Saban talking to the young football campers give just a brief insight into what the University of Alabama football players get daily.
Coach Saban went on to talk about how everyone who was in the building that day made hundreds of decisions that comes down to two questions. "There's something I know I'm supposed to do that I really don't want to do. Can you make yourself do it?"
The other question is, "There is something you know you're damn well not supposed to do and you want to do it. Can you keep yourself from it?"
He spoke to the young campers about decisions like taking out the trash when their mom tells them to, studying for a quiz, getting up early to go to school, all things that impact these young kids' lives on a daily basis beyond just football.
It's no wonder players from the University of Alabama go on to do great things because it's not just about football.
It seems like it's about life decisions and how discipline can be applied to all areas in life. Roll Tide!
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