Store Manager Steals Cash And Ran!
On June 18th, a store in Tarrant, Alabama was getting ready to close as the do each night, however, this night, the store manager decided to do things a little different, 21 year old Quindarius "Quin" Scroggins was seen on surveillance cameras leaving with money from the safe and the nightly bank deposit cash. The total was $2,103.
Tarrant Police have charged Scroggins with second-degree theft of property. He remains at large. The business requested that the name of the store not be mentioned.
I guess with age, you start to make more sense out of things, like..if I take this $2,103, can I live off of that because the cops will definitely will be looking for me Apparently, he wasn't thinking about none of that! Police are searching for a Scroggins, he has not shown up for work since then. If you have any information or 911 or Tarrant Police at 205-849-2811