Traveling Purple Heart Recipient Said to Be Incarcerated in Pickens County for Possession of Medical Marijuana
Picture it: You’re on a road trip to visit family, and you stop to refuel. As the fuel flows through the pump, you turn up your music and enjoy an air guitar performance. A police officer approaches you and says your music is too loud. You apologize and go to turn down the music, but the officer says he smells marijuana.
Well, most of us would automatically see this as trouble. However, Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient Sean Worsley thought nothing of it because it is said that he’d obtained the marijuana legally and held a valid medical marijuana card from Arizona. Source.
That’s right. This scenario actually happened in Gordo, Ala. in 2016; and unfortunately, rather than seeing his family, Worsley ended up spending six days in jail on felony charges because the officer is said to have stated in his report that the marijuana was for “other than personal use.”
Because of that charge, when Worsley was arrested again for possession of marijuana—again, which he legally obtained to treat his traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, but at the time of THIS incident, his license had expired—it was a violation of his probation. Worsley was sentenced to 60 months in prison. Source.
(Other sources indicate there is no proof that the marijuana was legally obtained and that the amount was more than that which would indicate personal use.)
Worsley is currently incarcerated in the Pickens County Jail without bond… For traveling with prescription medication! That’s exactly what marijuana is in this case. If he hadn’t been arrested in the first place, causing unnecessary legal fees, the second arrest wouldn’t have been a probation violation.
It goes without saying that this is WRONG!!!
Worsley’s wife has raised over $97,000 to be put toward his legal fees, but no amount of money takes the place of freedom!
Update: At the time this article was written, the only information available on this case stemmed from the cited sources. However, other sources indicate that while Worsley was a decorated soldier, he was also previously convicted of felony charges and had not reported to any probation officer in Alabama or Arizona in two years.

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