Tuscaloosa NAACP Juneteenth Parade Entry Application Now Open
June 19, 1865, is a day that commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas. This announcement came more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation formally outlawed slavery in the Confederate states.
Planning for the Tuscaloosa Branch of the NAACP’s Juneteenth events and celebrations is underway. A main attraction of 2022 was the Juneteenth Parade that started at Westlawn Middle School and travel down to the McDonald Hughes Center.
The 2023 Juneteenth Parade Is Set for Saturday, June 17
Parade Line Up at 9 a.m. and Starts at 10 a.m.
In an exclusive interview with Lisa Young, President of the Tuscaloosa County Branch NAACP, she talked about the importance of Juneteenth and how this parade in Tuscaloosa “allows people to unite, celebrate African American culture, history, and achievements plus honor the struggle for freedom and equality.”
“Juneteenth is celebrated across the United States as a day of remembrance, reflection, and rejoicing,” said Young. “It is a time to honor the legacy of those who fought for freedom and justice and to acknowledge the ongoing struggle for equality and civil rights.”
The goal for the Juneteenth Parade in Tuscaloosa is to “exceed everyone's expectations. We want it to be as big as West Alabama’s Christmas Parade,” said Young.
Parade Application Details
If you are interested in participating in the Juneteenth parade, click here. “There is no entry fee, and all of Tuscaloosa and surrounding counties are invited to participate," said Young.
If you have any questions please email tuscaloosanaacp@gmail.com.