Tuscaloosa Tuesday: Barnes YMCA, Hometown Hero Awarded, and More
Each week, the governing bodies in the City of Tuscaloosa hold meetings to discuss municipal business. Before the entire council convenes, various committees meet to discuss certain topics.
The following are a few of the topics to be discussed today.
Public Projects Committee
- Fate of the Benjamin Barnes YMCA. The Barnes YMCA is in need of a new location or demolition and building of a new facility.
Finance Committee
- Authorization of agreement between the Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency and the City of Tuscaloosa for the outdoor warning sirens
- General Fund budget revision no. 19
- Transfer to GF-RFFI for 2019 Citywide Resurfacing
- Transfer to GF-RFFI for a traffic calmer on 40th Avenue
- Transfer to PWCF for Mercedes Tower Relocation
- General Fund Reserve for Future Improvements budget revision no. 6
- Transfer from General Fund for 2019 Citywide Resurfacing
- Transfer from General Fund for traffic calmer on 40th Avenue
- Public Works Capital Fund budget revision no. 74
Community Development Committee
Authorization for the Office of Community and Neighborhood Services to make a substantial budget and program amendment and to advertise this amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan of City’s Five-Year 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan for community Planning and Development Programs
- Selection of Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus
(CDBG-CV) Public Service Activities
Residential Lateral Assistance Program update
Lead Hazard Abatement Program update
Authorization to advertise 7th Street Parkway Remnants for Public Hearing
City Council
- Alabama League of Municipalities will present the Hometown Hero Award to Susan Snowden
Public Hearings on the following:
- Setting the cost for demolition of the structure at 2803 Herman Avenue and authorizing the filing of a lien; total: $5,789.34.
- Setting the cost for demolition of the structure at 2805 Herman Avenue and authorizing the filing of a lien; total: $5,977.00.
- Authorizing the Mayor to execute a development agreement with 6th Street Development, LLC to provide economic assistance for the contraction of an upscale Marriott Tribute portfolio hotel in downtown Tuscaloosa.
- Adopting the Lounge Assistance Program and authorizing the Mayor and City staff to formulate and implement the program as a City policy objective as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic and public health emergency.
Agendas for each council committee meeting as well as the full Tuscaloosa City Council may be found by clicking here.
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