Tuscaloosa Tuesday: General Fund Budget Revisions and More
Each week, the governing bodies in the City of Tuscaloosa hold meetings to discuss municipal business. Before the entire council convenes, various committees meet to discuss certain topics.
The following are a few of the topics to be discussed today.
Council Public Projects Committee Meeting Agenda
New Business includes the following:
- Approval for the Mayor to execute a joint funding agreement with USGS for stream monitoring on North River and Lake Tuscaloosa
- Approval for the Mayor to execute a joint funding agreement with USGS for stream monitoring on Cribbs Mill Creek
- Approval of amendment to engineering services agreement with McGiffert and Associates, LLC for the Clements Road Booster Pumping Station & Mercedes Tank Upgrades project
- Approval to award contract to S T Bunn Construction Company, Inc. for the Resurfacing of Local Streets 2020 project; total: $3,486,717.11
- Authorization of amendment no. 4 with Lehe Planning, LLC for post disaster mitigation planning assistance; total: $14,579.00
- Approval of amendment no. 1 to the architectural services contract with Ward Scott Architecture for the TDOT Campus Storm Shelter project; total: $54,448.00
- Approval of memorandum of understanding between Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency (TCEMA) and the City of Tuscaloosa for TuscALERT
- Approval of memorandum of understanding between Tuscaloosa County Emergency Management Agency (TCEMA) and the City of Tuscaloosa for the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)
Council Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
New business includes the following:
- General Fund budget revisions
- Discussion for Test Message Archiving System 5. Police and Fire Pension Actuarial Valuation
Also included on the Council’s Agenda are the following public hearings:
- Adopting Zoning Amendment to rezone approximately .9 acres at 1625 Cedarbrook Dr.
- Adopting Zoning Amendment to rezone approximately .91 acres south of 2117 Jack Warner Pkwy, north of 2014 and 2200 Fourth Street and west of 302 21st Ave.
Other ordinances include authorizing the mayor to execute appraisal service contracts, authorizing Infrastructure and Public Services to advertise for two public hearings regarding the sale of the 7th St. East remnant parcels which were purchased in furtherance of the Alberta Pkwy project, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama to provide consulting and related services for management of the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum for Fiscal 2020-2021, authorizing the Mayor to execute memorandums of understanding the Tuscaloosa County EMA in regards to communication and emergency alerting to the public through the TuscALERT system and the Integrated Public Alert and Warning system, and amendments to the Fiscal 2020 General Reserve for Future Improvement Fund budget.
Agendas for each council committee meeting as well as the full Tuscaloosa City Council may be found by clicking here.
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