Undecided About Facebook Dating

I decided to give Facebook Dating a try.  I figured, why not!  Here is my one-week observation of my participation in Facebook dating.  I’m undecided.  Facebook matched me with the following: tons of men from Florida (like really), men from out of the country, men from Alabama, four former co-workers, and men who obviously lied about their age.  Seriously, some of the men looked older than my father.  According to the Facebook Newsroom, “Facebook Dating makes it easier to find love through what you like — helping you start meaningful relationships through things you have in common, like interests, events, and groups. It takes the work out of creating a dating profile and gives you a more authentic look at who someone is.”

I want to offer some advice to the men that opt-in for Facebook dating.  Be sure to remember you have one chance for a woman to either “heart” your profile or “x” it.  So be sure to select a great picture of you that represents your best self.  Going through potential matches this is what I found:

  • Men who have no profile picture but a meme, car, or their favorite football team.
  • Profile pictures with a woman cropped out of the image (you can see the hand).
  • Posing with their guns, middle fingers up, on the phone, stack of money, dogs, snakes, dead deer, or a blunt or toothpick in their mouth.
  • Tons of pictures of men flexing their muscles.
  • And the best one yet, one had a picture up with waitresses that had barely any clothes on.

I’m still undecided about Facebook Dating because there were a few potential candidates that seem like great quality matches.  However, I’m single, and I now believe in arranged marriages (joking – kinda - rolls eyes).  - @MaryKRadio

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