I was talking with a buddy the other day and we were reminiscing about the 'good old days' when back in school if you acted up you got paddled or in other words 'you got your butt whipped'.

Now a days with all the progressive teaching and learning and child rearing,we have gotten away from the fundamentals of how we were raised.

When those of us born before the early 1970's were young we didn't hear about teenagers committing all sorts of violent crimes as we do today.

I'll be willing to bet you you can't even remember 1 of your friends let alone a few that had or used a handgun.

Now teenagers are committing murders,robberies,car-jackings,burglaries all sorts of adult crimes.

The old saying 'if you spare the rod, you spoil the child' holds so true today for we have spoiled a whole generation or two of our future.

It is my belief that we need to  get back to those core fundamentals that made us who we are so we can make our young who they  should be. What do you think?

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