92.9 WTUG Joins Stillman For HBCU Bound Day
92.9 WTUG Joins Stillman For HBCU Bound Day
Attention all 2020 scholars! This Friday, May 1st 92.9 WTUG will join Stillman College for HBCU Bound Day! We'll be stopping by select class of 2020 scholars recently accepted into Historic Stillman College.
We're going to make it special. Mary K will be there to congratulate these newly accepted freshman! Of course from a distance! HBCU Bound Day has never been celebrated like this. If you know a 2020 high school Senior, or are one yourself, be on the lookout Friday! We may stop by your house with the Stillman College admissions team to welcome you to Historic Stillman College!
There's still time to enroll at Stillman today! Stillman College has programs like Business, Education, and more! To enroll today visit Stillman.edu. You can also call 205- 366-8817 and select option 2.
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