Alabama Governor Is Requesting Volunteer Health Care Workers
Alabama Governor Is Requesting Volunteer Health Care Workers
I hope that each of you is staying staff and making great choices amid this COVID-19 pandemic. The amount of confirmed COVID-19 cases for the state of Alabama is climbing rapidly. This means there is a greater need for medical resources for our entire state. The Governor’s Office of Volunteer Services is in search of volunteer health care workers along with the Alabama Department of Public Health. The program is called “Alabama ReadyOp,” and you can click here to get more details. The statewide request is to assist in the fight against the coronavirus in Alabama. The program is seeking out retired health care professionals, medical students, related field professionals, general public volunteers, and those health care professionals that offices were closed due to COVID-19. Click here to view the full list of volunteer types.
(Source) For the full story and register link for Alabama ReadyOp, click here.
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