Alabama Parents, I Need Your Help With This One

I’d have to say my wife and I have been doing a pretty good job as first-time parents so far. We’re a year and a few months in the game and look at him. He’s just so cute and healthy!

My son Asè (Ah-Shay) loves to dance. He’s been walking since he was about 7 or 8 months. I think he burns a lot of calories for the average 14-month-old child.

With that said, the doctors have told us that he’s “under weight.” Mom and I notice that he doesn't like to eat everything. Sweets are a no-go for him. Candy, cakes, chocolate, cookies, pretty much anything sweet, he doesn't like. As parents, that makes us VERY happy. Isn't it like in kids' DNA to love and crave sweets?!

The issue we're having is finding meals to cook for him that he'll enjoy. He LOVES chicken. Personally, I'd rather him not like chicken as much as he does but I'll be ok. He just can't have chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Right now, his breakfast consists of some fresh fruit, oatmeal, and maybe some cereal. for lunch, he's having whatever mom has which is some kind of rice and/or vegetables. For dinner, it's chicken and some veggies. a lot of the time. Although he eats it every time, I'd like to switch it up for him. I don't want him eating beans and rice ALL THE TIME. Lol!

On one hand, if it ain't broke don't fix it right? I understand that, but I also want to switch up his food from time to time. I need help from you! Parents, what do your children eat?

I want it to be healthy of course but still pleasing to my son. I'm open to all suggestions. Shoot us a message on our free app with your baby meal suggestions.


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