Basic Church Marquee Sparks Deeper Interest
Being in the advertising industry, I pay attention to all methods of advertisement. From television and radio commercials to social media, circulars, and even store signage. I note how logos capture the eye and relay a particular message and so on. So, I goes without saying that I read as many marquees as safely possible.
Well, in route to Bryant High School this morning, I saw a sign outside a church that made me go back and take a picture. It wasn't just the saying itself that caught my eye, but I've gone past the church before, and I've seen members of its congregation. So, the source was highly unlikely.
Simple message. Nothing really big here, right?
Well, these are some of the members of Tuscaloosa's Eastview Church:
Not who you'd expect to have that sign, right?
But here's what happened as a result: It made me want to know more about the congregation. Being that the church has an active Facebook page, I was able to gain a better feel for the church... And I actually want to visit!
Check out Tuscaloosa's Eastview Church on Facebook! The love they show is sure to give you "the feels."