District One Litter Cleanup Event Happening In Tuscaloosa
District One Litter Cleanup Event Happening In Tuscaloosa
Here's a great community service opportunity and a great way to serve Tuscaloosa. The City Of Tuscaloosa is hosting a roadside cleanup event this weekend.
Saturday, November 14th, at 8 am The City of Tuscaloosa & Councilor Phyllis Odom will host their District One Litter cleanup. Check-in for the event will be at Burell Odom Park.
I remember participating in roadside clean up events back in college. These events are simple but really effective. You don't notice how much litter negatively affects the view of your community until you begin to clean it up.
The great thing about this event is that you don't need to bring anything. All you have to do is show up! According to the event's Facebook page, bags, safety vests, and other needed items for this event will be given to you upon check in.
Join us as we roll up our sleeves and combat roadside litter!Councilor Phyllis Odom and city officials will host the community cleanup for District One on Saturday, Nov. 14 from 8 - 11 a.m.Check-in will be at Burrell Odom Park, where litter bags, litter grabbers and safety vests will be passed out to volunteers.For more info, contact Tuscaloosa 311 at 205-248-5311

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