Have You Been Smished? Here is What You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself
The other day I told you all about my influx of scam text messages. It hasn’t been a total nightmare but more of an inconvenience when these messages come in when I’m sleeping. But it does make me mad at times. How dare those scammers. Click here to read that story.

I truly thought I was the only one. I was 100% wrong. I’ve gotten chat messages and emails saying that folks right here in Alabama are going through the same thing. Actually, it’s happening across the United States. It’s called SMISHING.
What in the world is smishing?
According to CBS17 News, “Smishing is the combination of SMS Texting and Phishing used by scammers to defraud you and it has exploded recently.”
Sounds right, this latest scam has exploded. Got four more scamming text messages. From miracle weight loss products to instant loans, don’t forget about free products, and research projects, scam text messages are on the rise.
(Source) Click here for more from CBS17 News.