Huge Community Extravaganza in Alberta City Today
Seven years after the tornado that destroyed much of Tuscaloosa, the Alberta City area looks entirely different. Yet, one thing remains the same: the heart of the community.
One of the greatest assets of the Alberta community is the College Hill Baptist Church. A community extravaganza will be held at the church's property today!
One of the main complaints of Tuscaloosa residents is the lack of things for children to do. So, the fact that there's a Kids Zone is enough to bring out families. Sure, we can take our children to the park or other area businesses, but Kids Zones at events like this are always very interactive and allows the children to burn a lot of energy.
If you're pretty health conscious and don't really see a need to visit your doctor, but you would like a quick look into your basic health, be sure to stop by the Health Fair area.
And who doesn't love a good game of basketball? With a 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament in addition to everything else, there's more than enough for everyone to have an amazing day! It all starts at 10 a.m.!