Is This Cold Weather the Easter Snap?
Every Spring in the South, before Winter goes away, it comes back for one last Hoorah! This is affectionately known as "The Easter Snap."
What exactly is the Easter Snap, and how does it know when to hit?
Basically, the Easter Snap is a cold front that comes through just before or right around Easter. It usually comes after a few days or even weeks of warmer weather, indicating the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. It's like your last chance to wear your cute winter clothes before packing them away for late Fall.
Dressing properly might be a bit of a challenge as you work to stay cool for the middle part of the day but have to wear at least a light jacket or sweater at the beginning or end of a day. Also, if your "Easter outfit" is sleeveless, you might want to consider a cardigan or shawl to add to the look just in case.
The past few days, Tuscaloosa has experienced warmer, sunny weather. We just knew Spring was on the way. Today proved that no assumptions should be made as the temperature dropped to the same level as it was on some days this winter. Hopefully, this will be over in the next day or so. We're ready to get some sunshine and happiness!
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