It’s Not Always What You Know or Who You Know But Who Knows You (And Why/How)
It has often been stated that sometimes progress or success isn't about WHAT you know but WHO you know. I've always taken it another step and said sometimes it's not who YOU know but WHO knows YOU... And why/how.
What exactly does this mean?
Well, starting from the beginning... It's great to be knowledgeable, but relationships are important! WHO you know could be the difference between your next yes and your next "let's revisit this later," which is beneficial.
But probably more critical is the concept of WHO knows YOU!
For a long time, I've shied away from careers in multilevel marketing because "Everybody I know is selling [product]." I said it to myself just the other day while considering another venture, and just as quickly as I said it to myself, my self said back to me, "But what about who knows you?"
[Side note: Those who follow me on Facebook know that my inner voice has a very smart mouth. She STAYS getting me together!]
I wanted to be upset with myself for talking to me like that, but instead I sat and pondered what I said.
I was raised in the church. Therefore, all my life I've been taught to "shun the very appearance of evil," to not let my good be spoken as evil, and that "a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold." So, that's the way I've governed myself my entire life. This isn't to say I've never done anything wrong, but when I did knowingly, it certainly wasn't in the open, as I never took pride in wrongdoing, and I took my reputation seriously.
Of course we all know someone who "everybody knows," usually for something less than stellar. In that regard, who knows you just may not be a good thing. But if you've lived in such a way that everything you've done was as unto The Lord, the things for which other people know you could be what sets you apart and helps you to be successful where others aren't.
Most entrepreneurs will tell you that the bulk of their support does not come from family and friends but others who've heard good things about their products. As a matter of fact, family and friends are usually those who will err on the side of caution and make you reconsider doing something in an area where you've been granted favor.
So, do yourself a favor: Consider those you know; but focus on who knows you, and make sure it's for something positive!
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