Jellied Cranberry Sauce or Whole Cranberry Sauce
The Thanksgiving Polls continues:
What do you prefer, Jellied Cranberry Sauce or Whole Cranberry Sauce?
Is there a difference between the two? Jellied Cranberry Sauce is also known as canned cranberry sauce. According to my mother, it is strained whole cranberry sauce, with a little pectin (because cranberries already have a pectin content), and chilled for 24 hours. Whole Cranberry sauce has noticeable whole cranberries in the mixture and has a softer consistency than the bite of a jellied cranberry sauce. According to Real Simple, “Cranberries qualify as a superfood—they're super high on the scale of antioxidant-rich foods, outranking nearly every fruit and vegetable, second only to blueberries.”
I grew up in a house divided. My mother and I preferred the jellied cranberry sauce while my Father only wanted the whole cranberry sauce. So much like having stuffing and dressing at Thanksgiving, we had both.
In my opinion, it is not Thanksgiving until I see the beautiful sliced rings of cranberry sauce. - @MaryKRadio
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