Governor Kay Ivey Declares March 2 Day of Prayer for Ukraine
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has proclaimed March 2, 2022, a Day of Prayer for Ukraine.
In the proclamation, Ivey states:
"The state of Alabama stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they fight to protect their country and democracy. Alabamians are deeply rooted in their faith, and as many Christians observe Ash Wednesday, we join together in prayer for the innocent people of Ukraine.
On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation launched a brutal, unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has since been condemned throughout the world by numerous international stakeholders."
Governor Ivey ends her proclamation by making March 2, 2022, a Day of Prayer for Ukraine.
Click here to see Gov. Ivey's full proclamation.
SCLC 2022 Unity Day March
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