Local Author Spotlight: Carolyn James Book Signing this Saturday
If you ever leave the state and re-enter, you're welcomed with a sign stating "Alabama the Beautiful." With all of our picturesque scenery and beautiful landscapes, it's not a surprise that we have numerous authors, as nature brings about the most thoughtful moments.
It's awesome when local retailers back local artists. This Saturday, Barnes & Noble will host a book signing for Tuscaloosa author Carolyn James.
According to the manager Chad at the Tuscaloosa B&N store, the store is very supportive of local authors and is open to hosting book signings, which are free of charge.
Chad says it is his desire to have a section in the store dedicated to local authors. However, the closest the store comes to that right now is a collection of books that are about Alabama, usually written by authors within the state.
There are also certain stipulations that must be met in order for the store to carry books written by local authors, but it is certainly possible. Contact Barnes & Noble for more information.
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