Man Tries to Pay Ticket With Pennies, Gets Beaten By Officers
A man who attempted to protest a $10 traffic fine by paying it with pennies is suing two court officers who allegedly choked him so badly that he defecated in his pants.The incident happened when the man had gone to pay for a $10 parking ticket. He wanted to pay the charge in penny rolls, as a symbolic protest, after the officers had told him earlier that paying through a credit card would invite an additional surcharge of $1.75.
He wasn't happy about it so he brought back penny rolls to pay for his ticket. The clerk wasn't too happy about that, and refused to allow him to pay with penny rolls.
As he was leaving the courthouse, the man got into a verbal exchange with court officers who began to choke him out, grabbed him, brought him to the ground.
The victim passed out and defecated himself and was arrested and put in jail.
It was reported that the entire exchange was caught on surveillance video.
After the alleged altercation, the man was handcuffed, taken to a holding cell and released 24 hours later. He was later charged with assaulting or obstructing a police officer and disturbing the peace.
I'm glad this wasn't me....Because that is the type of thing I would do. Pennies are money aren't they? The fine was being paid wasn't it? And yet the man got assaulted and put in jail. Makes me just shake my head.
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