McDonald’s Doing Away With Cashiers In Less Than Two Years
Reports say that by the year 2020, McDonald's will be doing away with cashiers, and in their place, replacing them with Self-Service Ordering Kiosks.
According to an article in Forbes magazine, there are already restaurants like Chili's & Panera, that already have them. Not only that, but there's a robot hamburger-flipper named "Flippy", that's being used in some places.
My only question is, as a "Drive-Thru Connoisseur", how will this affect me placing my order thru the Drive-Thru window? Will there be a LIVE person manning the window? Or will there be a Self-Service Ordering Kiosk placed by the Drive-Thru window where I'll be punching in my order?
In any event, it's coming. So get ready for it.
And to those Fast Food Workers who were demanding $15.00 an hour? It looks like McDonald's and other fast-food places are giving you their answer by introducing this technology.
For more on this story read HERE
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