Non-Braiders with Down Time: Online Class Teaches How to Braid
A Jane of all trades is what they call me.
I can fix just about anything (with the guidance of YouTube) and enjoy working in my yard, I sew minimally, I do makeup sometimes, and I plan vacations. If I drive somewhere once in the daytime, not only can I figure my way out, but I can usually go back to the same place with no guidance. I notice landmarks and familiarities.
I can (but don’t usually) cook. I can converse with almost anyone on a variety of topics, and I love to read and learn new things, although my preferred method of learning is hands-on.
All these things I can do. But I can’t…. Can’t get next to you.
Sorry. Kinda got off track there.
What I CANNOT do is braid!
I mean, I can do the simple three-strand braid; but I can’t do a French braid or cornrow to save my life.
And as luck would have it, God blessed me with a beautiful daughter who is tender-headed and has a head FULL of LONG, THICK hair! Yet, because I am sensitive to being tender-headed (I was as a child), she usually prefers for me to do her hair. But with our lives being as busy as they are (Well, not right now really), we REALLY don’t have time for me to deal with her hair on a daily basis. So, she usually wears braids.
When I say she wears braids, I mean she wears braids. Remember when Alicia Keys first came out and she seemed to always have braids? Uhhh, yeah… Same deal here.
Unfortunately, I can’t braid. So, I take her to a few people to get her hair done. However, I’m looking to change that.
With hair stylists being told not to work during the COVID-19 pandemic, most days, my daughter has worn an afro puff. There have been times where I gave her two very amateur braids, but they didn't really look like someone who wasn't being neglected. Know what I mean? I can throw on a wig and be fine. But don't you hate seeing a mother who looks well kempt with children who look like no thought was put into them? Needless to say, so that my child didn't look that way, I took to wearing an afro puff too. We've both been looking like we're just chilling for about a month now.
I can't take it anymore!
A friend of mine recently shared a blog post, which introduced Niani B, who is offering a class that teaches how to braid. Click here for more information.
Niani B's class has a subscription fee of just $5 every two weeks. So, if you learn at a pace that's faster or slower than others, you can just stop when you see fit! I know what you're saying... "Girl, naw!"
Girl, YES!
Now, if you want a Zoom one-on-one consultation, the price is significantly more. But with the $5 subscription, you get unlimited access to instructional videos.
Of course, there are also instructional videos available on YouTube. Check out this one, which DADS are raving about.
But we all know that people seem to feel better about something they have to pay for, even if it's a small amount. And if Niani B. can get people to pay for her craft, by all means, I will not knock sista's hustle. As a matter of fact, after I've learned all I want from YouTube, I might still subscribe for a week or so just to see if she's teaching anything more technical.
Now, what skill(s) do you have that go unused which could be a source of income? #Message

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