Old School Party at McKinstry Banquet Hall
Although touristy cities and towns are within 3-4 hours of Tuscaloosa, giving us the opportunity to travel affordably, the fact of the matter is that there isn't much adult entertainment for those older than 30... Until now!
An old school party will be held at McKinstry Banquet Hall this Saturday, August 12.
Every now and then, we all need the opportunity to decompress and unwind. We've survived our 20's and are now raising families or working on getting rid of adult children while working towards retirement.
It's prime time, which means fun is a necessity! If you're too young to remember ALL of these dances (and songs), you'll probably not going to enjoy this video, which means this party isn't for you!
If you know them all but only because your parents played the songs and did the dances, you're probably still too young for this party!
Now, we've been saying for years that the more people participate in various events, the more apt promoters are to bring entertainment to Tuscaloosa. Just as Old School Saturday in Atlanta draws thousands each month, this could be the beginning of a long-running adult event right here at home!
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