Our Condolences to Tuscaloosa’s Queen of Gospel and Family
One part of life that we never want to face is the death of a loved one. Unfortunately, it's an event we all must face at some time, and when our loved ones are affected by the loss of someone dear to them, even if we don't know the deceased as well as they did, empathy is always appropriate.
Those familiar with Tuscaloosa's gospel radio scene know of Min. Sandra Johnson-Harris. She's been a mainstay with 790 WTSK/Praise 93.3 for a number of decades, affectionately known as Tuscaloosa's Queen of Gospel.
As fate would have it, in recent years, she fell in love and married Gregory L. Harris, a drummer for a quartet group the Fantastic Violinaires. (He can be seen in action in the videos below.) They lived wonderful years together before he departed this life Saturday morning.
So far, no funeral arrangements have been set; but we extend our deepest condolences to Tuscaloosa's Queen of Gospel and her family. Ever the faithful servant, she will return to the air this afternoon. Be sure to shower her with love this week.

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