When the weather warms up here in Alabama, it's almost time for one of our favorite pastimes...swimming. Whether in pool, lake, river, or creek, we should realize that this time of year severe weather can come out of nowhere at anytime.

As we all know (or should) being in a pool or lake during severe weather is possibly the worst place to be.Water and electricity don't mix.

Here are some safety tips to help:

1. Leave the water and find shelter at first sign of bad weather.

2. Pools are tied into a large surface area through underground water pipes, gas lines, telephone wiring and things like that. If lightning strikes the ground anywhere these pipes or lines are a possible shock could result.

3. It's not the best idea to return to swimming immediately after the storm passes.

4. You should wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard.


If you are planning a day or weekend at the lake keep in mind severe weather can appear at any time without warning. The main weather related dangers for boaters and swimmers are strong winds and lightning. Strong winds can cause large waves that can capsize a small boat or carry a swimmer away. It also might be a good idea to keep track of weather forcast as the weather can change in an instance. And always let someone know where your going and when you'll be back.

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