Reel Talk: Nostalgic Memories of First Movie Theater Experience
Believe it or not, the very first movie that I saw in a theater is when I was 11 years old.
By then, my friends had been going to the movies for years and some even going alone.
Oh, not me. (Do you hear the bitterness in my voice?)
Well, going to the movies was not a thing in our household. And going alone was NEVER happening (something about people kidnapping kids in the bathrooms.)
The reason there were no trips to the movies was that both my parents were deaf. So going to the movies would just be a visual experience for them. So, that makes sense.
Listen, we didn’t even have a phone in the house until I was 15.
The magical year of 1982 changed all that.
I begged and begged my Daddy to take me to see a movie. It was not just ANY movie but a specific movie.
The first movie I ever saw in a theater was …
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, which was released on June 11, 1982
It was a Saturday matinee at the Movies at Pompano 6. Of course, we dressed up. I had on a cute pink church dress with my frilly socks. I even wore my Love’s Baby Soft perfume for the occasion. IYKYK!
Dad even sprung for popcorn and a drink but instructed that he was not getting up during the movie to take me to the bathroom. (Because remember folks were kidnapping people lol).
That’s 41 years ago and I remember like it was yesterday.
I cried and laughed during the entire movie. My Dad … who could not hear a word, sat and enjoyed the day with me.
My Dad spent 2 hours watching an odd looking alien, some sneaky kids, a tearful goodbye, and a spaceship. Not hearing one word.
I didn’t get it then but I do now, what a testament to love.
What was your first movie experience? Let me know with the “chat with us” or “talk to us now” feature on our free app.

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