Teen Built Website To Track The COVID-19 Pandemic
Teen Built Website To Track The COVID-19 Pandemic
Kudos to Avi Schiffmann! He is a 17-year-old from Seattle, who is a junior in high school that has designed a website that tracks the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to the Times of Israel, he “spends much of his time these days constantly updating and improving the website, which automatically scrapes data from reliable sources from all over the world. The site, which originally updated every 10 minutes, now updates every minute to provide the latest statistics on the number of confirmed cases, serious cases, deaths, and recovered — both worldwide and in each country — in real-time.” Click here, to check out his website > https://ncov2019.live/data
I found it to be a quick and easy resource to see the latest information for the globe. Once you go to the website, you can find the USA, which is directly under the Global section (or to the right of it, depending on your view). If you click on the header “region,” you can organize the states alphabetically. Also, the website offers “an interactive Google map, a Twitter feed, travel advisories, information on the disease and its prevention, as well as tips for preparing for quarantine situations,” according to the Times of Israel.
(Source) to read the full story from the Times of Israel, click here. And to view the website that Avi Schiffmann built, click here.

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