The Stress Of The Holidays!
As much as I love the holidays, there's one thing for sure, the holiday season is VERY stressful! What to get who, what's for Christmas Dinner, real tree or fake tree, which side of the family are we going to spend Christmas with?
Two new surveys on holiday stress just came out. They found 88% of us find the holidays stressful. And for people who have to travel, it's 98%.
Get ready for the Holiday Stress, here's some stats:
1. The average couple will get in SEVEN holiday-related FIGHTS this year. The most common things we fight about are where to spend the holidays, and how much to spend on gifts. 13% of us have also argued about whether to get a real tree or a fake tree.
2. Overall, the five most stressful things about this time of year are buying presents . . . managing your budget, cooking, prepping the house for guests and cleaning up before and after you have people over.
3. 67% of people traveling for the holidays say staying with family is stressful. And 48% of us think we'd get along with them a little better if we stayed somewhere else.
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