Tired of Cheaters? Check Out the Most Faithful Alabama Cities
Let’s face it, being single is hard.
I think daters like to blame the city they live in for their issues with being single. Me, I was one of those people. Until I moved around a few times and noticed that the issues remained the same.
The biggest issue for me is cheating. I don’t think there is any coming back to me from that situation. No matter how much beg for forgiveness, lavish me with gifts, and try to make necessary life changes.
(I really hope he is reading this - he might get the hint)

Cheaters, they suck. I’m sure you are reading this and agreeing. We have all had our fair share of “low-down scoundrels” as my mother would always blurt out. But are there any cities that lend to being more faithful than others? The short answer is yes! But where?
My Dating Adviser has slated these cities to be the “best 10 most faithful cities in America”
#1 - Pasadena, California
#2 - Torrance, California
#3 - Roseville, California
#4 - Visalia, California
#5 - Laredo, Texas
#6 - Montgomery, Alabama
#7 – Orange, California
#8 – West Valley City, Utah
#9 – McAllen, Texas
#10 – Syracuse, New York
Wait, Montgomery made the list?????
I’m not gonna lie, I was shocked about this ranking. But, did you notice that 5 out of 10 cities were in California? Like, what’s up with that?
Now, back to the faithfulness of Alabama!
Montgomery was “#6 out of 200 cities for faithfulness,” according to My Dating Adviser.
Marriage Rate: 47%
Divorce Rate: 11%
Separation Rate: 2%
Happiness Index: 49.00 (best = 100)
Google Search Interest for an Affair: 1.17 (highest = 36)
Mobile was “#79 out of 200 cities” according to My Dating Adviser.
Marriage Rate: 49%
Divorce Rate: 11%
Separation Rate: 3%
Happiness Index: 59.92 (best = 100)
Google Search Interest for an Affair: 17.91 (highest = 36)
It looks like I just expanded my dating apps to include Montgomery and Mobile. I’ll let you know how it goes.
(Source) Click here for more insight from My Dating Adviser.
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