West Alabama Expecting Mothers Could Have Free Birth Services
West Alabama Doula Mariah Alyce is offering her services to five expecting mothers in West Alabama. This is a great way for mothers to improve birth outcomes, have a more positive birth experience, less likelihood of c-section, increased self-confidence in parenting, a stronger bonding with their baby, and more!
Mariah received a generous donation from a family in Tuscaloosa to allow for a minimum of five expecting mothers to have Doula services without the stress of having to figure out the financial/affordability aspect. This was the family's way of giving back to the community (specifically the West end of Tuscaloosa). Statistics show disparities in healthcare, especially in areas related to childbirth and breastfeeding support for Black mothers. The donors wanted to assist mothers in having a safe, satisfying birthing experience, and hopefully, they will in turn tell others how important it is to have the proper education and support needed to successfully navigate their pregnancy and birth. Mariah stated "A lot of our issues come from a lack of education and support. This gives them a chance." Mariah posted this info online for those interested in getting free services.
If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please feel free to fill out this scholarship application to be considered. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at www.mariahalyce.com. If you desire to contribute to the scholarship fund so that we can continue to make this an opportunity for more mothers, feel free to send donations via PayPal (paypal.me/MariahAlyce). No amount is too little.
My wife is also a doula and I've been exposed to so much in the world of giving birth and black women specifically. The treatment of black mothers during pregnancy, postpartum, and during birth is very different. My wife told me stories all the time and when we experienced it with the birth of our son, it was shocking. You'd just never think medical professionals would treat people in such a dismissive way and make them feel inadequate while in labor. Labor is such a vulnerable, delicate space for women, and to think that they're not being cared for properly and have no one to advocate for their needs in those times is crazy. This is why having a doula is so important and I'm glad that West Alabama doula Mariah Alyce is offering her services to mothers in West Alabama.
According to NBC News, "black women have historically had the highest maternal mortality rates. Researchers do not have a clear explanation, but they suspect a combination of institutional racism in society and the health care system." This is something I've known for years and experienced first hand with my wife while going through pregnancy and birth. I hope this could change in the near future.
If you'd like to donate towards scholarships funding for this opportunity to continue and allow assistance for more moms, CLICK HERE.

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